Let the Turkey Bowl Games Begin!
This year’s fourth annual Turkey Bowl took place on Tuesday November 20. Teams consisted of students and staff members engaged in games of flag football. Everyone was smiling as they settled into the holiday mood and prepared to welcome Thanksgiving.
When Mrs. Mooney, the Wellness Club advisor and arranger of this event, was asked about how the tradition of Turkey Bowl began, she replied, “It’s just something that other places have done…so a couple of teachers talked about that tradition and wanted to start it here.”
Mrs. Mooney believed that this activity is a great way to kick off Thanksgiving break because it combined two Thanksgiving classics: turkey and football.
The teams gathered at the stadium to warm up for the game, which began at 4 PM. The two female teams played each other while the three male teams rotated to play amongst themselves. The air was brisk and chilly, but a savory aroma trailed in the air as the Chili Cook Off, a new event added this year, took place inside the school.

Mrs. Mooney sprints after the football during the annual Turkey Bowl. Photo by Olivia Tiche
Sophomore Maryann Ackerman– a veteran player from last year’s game– stated, “I wanna play because I love playing with my girls. We really just want to kick the teachers’ butts.” She described her feelings as “No nerves, all focus, all in to this game.”
The game commenced with the sound of “Hut!” as everyone rushed to get the ball. The teams, a mix of teachers and students, were well matched. Often a person would dash for the end zone, making it seem as if they would score for sure, only to have their flag pulled off by a member of the opposing team. Every now and then, a cheer would arise as a touchdown was made.
As the game drew to an end, the players scattered about, meeting with friends or going to the Chili Cook Off to try the various dishes. The cook off was added by the Wellness Club this year, and for five dollars students and staff could sample the chili and vote for the most delicious one, with all collections benefiting the Wellness Club and IUS teams.
Senior Emily Sarver, who was a part of the winning girls’ team, was asked about how she felt to have won. She stated, “I feel really good. We dominated, so obviously the high school teams come out on top against teachers, but the teachers are really good, just so you all know.”

The freshman boys team poses for their team picture. Photo by Olivia Tiche.
Junior David Duffalo, who played receiver on his team, stated he would play again next year. He said, “Yeah! It’s just like a great way to let loose and have fun with everybody and try to get out in the cold and just have fun.”
Just like Thanksgiving, this event only happens once every year. For the ones that are eager for this holiday, are interested in football, and love spending quality time outside of school with friends, join this event next year.

Leshui Chen is a sarcastic but enjoyable editor-in-training who joined journalism because she wanted...