Field Trips Resume at SRHS

Field trips are a big part of the school life for many students. Going on trips makes for a refreshing escape from the normal repetitive school days, but the last two years have been sadly devoid of these unique experiences. Due to COVID-19, most trips were postponed, but this year the field trips have returned. That means many students finally got to go on their long awaited trips, such as the band’s trip to Disney World, the Ski Club trips, the choir trips for regional competitions, and a few others. These trips provide students with a lot of new experiences and allow them to form new memories.

When asked about the enjoyment he got from the Disney trip, Tommy Foster (‘23) said, “The Disney trip helped me have fun with all of my friends and make many memorable experiences.”
But what about the teachers? They seem to find these field trips to be engaging for the students as well.
“The most exciting part [about field trips] is that the students get to sing live and in person,” states Mrs. Groves-Edwards.
The Cedar Point senior class trip is also returning this year for the first time in three years. It had previously been canceled due to COVID-19. This has brought excitement among many of the seniors because they will get to go hang out with their friends at an amusement park for the day. When asked about it, Dylan Gibbons (‘22) said, ”I’m mostly excited to hang out with my friends and enjoy the nice weather.”
All in all, it appears as though the return of the field trips is bringing much excitement for everyone, and will hopefully continue to do so for many years to come.