Interact Lights Up with Luminaries

Light it Up! Nate Gill, Garrett Galcik , Mekenzie Pfluger, Ashley Rodgers, and Morgan Malinski make luminaries for the Prospect Rotary Club. Photo by Mackenzie McMillin

It’s the Holiday Season Sophomore Garrett Galcik, senior Ashley Rodgers, and senior Mekenzie Pflueger open paper bags that are used to create the luminaries. Photo by Mackenzie McMillin

The high school Interact Club made luminaries on November 27th at the Prospect Preservation Society building in Prospect. Luminaries are a candle in a bag that Interact makes for the Prospect Rotary. The Rotary put the luminaries outside at dark, right before Christmas Eve. Five Interact members helped with 25 others. There are about 300 luminaries that are placed. They burn until they die, and then the Boy Scouts collect them.

The Interact students created a line of people to get everything done in an efficient order. Fellow Interact participants such as senior Mekenzie Pflueger believed that “This was a phenomenal experience and it was very nice to do something good in the community.”

This was not the first time that this event happened. Interact has been a part of this for a few years and it seems to go by faster and fast every year according to the Interact members.