Spring Sports Practices Begin
Paige Gresgott practices throwing and catching the softball with her teammates in the Rock Box. When the weather outside is awful, many spring sports teams have to relocate inside for practice.
Mandatory practices for spring sports start March 2nd this year, but the early spring practices make it hard for athletes to practice at their full potential. The softball and baseball teams are stuck sharing the old gym until their fields have been cleaned by maintenance and the dirt is dry enough to play on. As well as being cooped up in the gym, the two teams practice every day, which can be difficult when you’re sharing one space. Usually, the coaches have to coordinate a schedule that gives the teams a fair amount of time after school and from 5 p.m.- 7 p.m. to practice.
It’s hard for both the softball and the baseball to get time outside before games. While the baseball field is maintained fairly well, the softball field has terrible drainage and is not kept well until spring sports startup. When asked how practicing inside has an effect on your game, Chloe Sommers responds, “We can’t have game-like scenarios so it’s really prepare for a game when you can’t practice game situations.” Sommers also explains that the girls keep each other motivated and get along really well. She also explains that it is her last year playing softball for the high school and that motivates her, as well as the rest of the seniors because they know it is their last shot.
Baseball, on the other hand, is able to go outside and practice sooner, but practicing still remains difficult for them. The weather prevents them from using their field often, so they are forced to share the indoor gym and batting cage with the softball team. When asked what makes the early season so hard, Walker Allison responds, “The weather, but it depends on where we are at. If we are in the cage or on the turf and it’s always cold.” Allison continues to explain that everyone on the team is supportive and very close because they have been playing together since they were young.
“It’s a mental game because we are inside so much and we just have to stay focused,” concludes Allison. Baseball and softball continue to work hard in the offseason and hope to have a successful season.

Mackenzie is a bold and fun person who writes academic and sports stories for the newspaper. She enjoys...