Movies to Watch this Halloween
Oct 30, 2017
Halloween: that time of year when horror movies are prevalent both in the movie theater and on Netflix. This year, you can find many new horror movies on Netflix such as Hush, It Follows, Creep, and Cult of Chucky. There are also many new movies in the theater, including Happy Death Day, Jigsaw, and It. Read more about them below.
Happy Death Day

Release Date: October 13th
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Happy Death Day is based on a college student Tree Gelbman, who wakes up in the dorm room of a young man named Carter after a night of too much drinking. As her day progresses, Tree ends up being murdered and wakes up once again in Carter’s bed. Tree has to relive her murder over and over again until she finally figures out who killed her.
Student Opinion: Freshman Briana McMillin says that she personally liked the movie, especially because it let a female character have a chance to figure out her own killer. She thinks that overall, it is a good movie and it is not too scary. Her favorite part of the movie was the first time that she died because “I didn’t expect the murderer to pop out the way it did every time.” She would recommend the movie to others because it is both crime-based and creatively murders Tree Gelbman every single time.

Release Date: October 27th
Rating: R
Summary: Jigsaw is based on the life of Jonathan “John” Kramer, who was originally an ordinary toy factory worker. His wife broke up with him due to his fright of commitment. After this, he was diagnosed with cancer and tried to commit suicide twice but survived both times. Then, he understood that he wanted to test the survival instinct of human beings. He made deadly-looking devices to test each victim’s love of life. Over the course of the film, his traps evolve from simple but deadly-looking devices to more complicated devices. Watch the movie to find out more.

Release Date: September 8th
Rating: R
Summary: It is based on the novel by Stephen King. It begins with a scene involving Bill Denbrough and his younger brother Georgie, who wants a paper boat to play with in the rain. Georgie takes his boat outside in the rainstorm and chases it down the street and into a storm drain. When he looks for it, Penny wise the dancing clown suddenly appears and abducts Georgie. Bill and his friends from the Loser’s Club resolve to find Georgie and the other missing children in this horror classic.
Student Opinion: Senior Zac Rodgers liked the movie, saying, “Honestly, it was amazing,” and he especially enjoyed Bill Skarsgard’s performance as Penny-wise. He would have liked the movie to be a bit longer, so that there was more time to introduce each of the characters. His favorite part of the movie was how Bill progressed from the beginning of the movie to the end of the movie. Rodgers says he would absolutely recommend this movie to others, and said, “I even plan on buying the Blu-ray of it immediately when it comes out.”