SRHS Students Create Original YouTube Channels

Junior Garrett Regalski began his YouTube channel, Rippin’ Lips Fishing, and posted his first video in January 2017.

Alexis Schrecengost, Staff Writer

Many students in our school watch videos on YouTube and three of them went even further and created their own channel. Junior Sophia Mena, junior Garrett Regalski, and sophomore Chrysta Eichenberger are three students who made their own channels. Regalski’s YouTube channel is related to almost everything fishing, while Mena and Eichenberger’s channels include makeup tutorials.

Junior Garrett Regalski explained that he started his Youtube channel, Rippin’ Lips Fishing, because of his love for fishing and how he wanted to show the world. He records his videos with his iPhone 7 and his GoPro Hero 3. He posts twice a week: Tuesdays and Thursdays. He said that “Seeing the people reacting by commenting and asking for more” is his favorite part about his YouTube channel. If he could have an unlimited budget, he explained that he would get better equipment and pay an editor. His advice to new people on YouTube is to post at least once a week and to make it interesting.

Sophomore Chrysta Eichenberger started her YouTube channel because she started watching videos in fourth grade. She has a strong passion for makeup and wanted to share it with other people. She states that “I would use money to buy stuff for her videos like  a camera and lights,” if she had an unlimited budget.

Junior Sophia Mena created a Youtube channel for her love and passion for makeup, too. Her favorite part about making videos is that she likes getting to express herself and showing people who she really is. It makes her happy. Her least favorite thing about making videos is the criticism that comes with it; she explained that everyone has something to say. Her advice for new people starting a YouTube channel is to “Be yourself, love what you do, do not let anyone tell you, that you cannot do anything.”